Numerical values of Latin letters

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at
Mon Nov 19 13:55:33 CET 2007

when I paste your line A=500... into google, I get among others the hit:

with several serious references.


On Nov 19, 2007 5:41 AM, David Garber <garber at> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have the following question: I have encountered in a Judaica book the following numerical values for Latin letters:
> A=500, B=300, C=100, D=500, E=250, F=40, G=400, ...
> It is written there that it should appear in the beginning of the first book of Niccolo Tartaglia.
> I have tried by Google to find some information on this but I failed.
> Can you add me more information about this interesting numerical values?
> Thank you very much,
> David Garber.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> David Garber
> Department of Applied Mathematics
> School of Sciences
> Holon Institute of Technology
> 52 Golomb st.
> PO Box 305
> 58102 Holon
> Israel
> E-mail: garber at <mailto:garber at>
> ------------------------------------------------

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