PARI code analyzing whether given integer is presentable as sum of two integer squares

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at
Fri Nov 23 13:19:48 CET 2007

I found the PARI function I wrote some time ago.
It gives the list of all {a,b} such that a²+b²=n.

(In fact it's a collection of 2 functions, the second one being a
helper function treating the case of prime n where at most 1 solution
is possible.)
It should be clear how the function could be simplified and
accelerated if you only need to know if there is at least one
hope that helps

sum2sqr(n)={ local( t, f, p = 1, s=[] ); if( n<=1, return( if( n<0,
[], [[0, n]] )));

	if( isprime(n), return( if( n=sum2sqr_prime(n),[n],[])));

	for( i=1,matsize(f = factor(n))[1],

	  if( f[i,1] % 4 == 1, s = concat( s, [[sum2sqr_prime( f[i,1]
)*[1,I]~, f[i,2]]] ),

	    if( f[i,1] == 2, p = (1+I)^f[i,2] /* always comes first */,

	      if( f[i,2] % 2 == 1, return([]), p *= f[i,1]^(f[i,2]>>1))

	) ) );

	s = vector( #s, i, f=s[i][1]; vector( t=s[i][2]+1, j, f^(t-j)*conj(f)^(j-1) ));

	/* run over all elements of the cartesian product = n-uples with i-th
component in s[i] */


	forvec( T = vector(#s,i,[1,#s[i]]), f = prod( j=1,#T, s[j][T[j]], p);

		t = setunion( t, [ vecsort( abs([ real(f),imag(f) ]))] )


	vecsort( eval( t ),1 )


sum2sqr_prime(p)={ local(c,d); if( p==2, [1,1], if( p%4 != 3,
 if( p%8==5, c=2, if( p%3==2, c=3, c=5; while( Mod(p,c)^(c\2)+1,
c=nextprime( c+1 ))));
 c=lift(Mod(c,p)^(p\4)); d=sqrtint(p); while(c > d, c=(p+0)%(p=c)); [c,p%c] ))}

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