Superduperfactorial Primes: Primes of the form A055462(k)-1 or A055462(k)+1.

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at
Sun Sep 2 16:06:30 CEST 2007

That's easily PARI-ized:

"));if(isprime(t=A055462(i)+1),print1(t", ")))

but except 2,3,23,6911,238878721,5944066965503999
there is no other prime of that form for k < 30, for which
A055462(30) ~ 10^3849, so the next
term would be anyway to large to include in OEIS.


On 9/1/07, Jonathan Post <jvospost3 at> wrote:
> Superduperfactorial Primes: Primes of the form A055462(k)-1 or A055462(k)+1.
> 2, 3, 23, 6911, 238878721, 5944066965503999
> This is to superduperfactorials as factorial primes are to factorials,
> and as subfactorial primes are to subfactorials, and as hyperfactorial
> primes are to hyperfactorials.
> I know that njas and other dislike generic sequences named "primes of
> the form xxx...", but in this case, the analogues to sub-, super-,
> hyper-, and ultrafactorial primes gibes this a context.
> Would anyone like to Mathematica-ize or extend this before vacation
> ends and we submit?

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