
Gottfried Helms helms at
Tue Apr 15 18:09:58 CEST 2008

Am 15.04.2008 15:55 schrieb franktaw at
> If you are going to post something like this, please let us know
> how you encountered it.  Did you come up with some rules to
> generate it?  Did you find it in a publication?  Give us whatever
> information you have.
> Franklin T. Adams-Watters

Franklin -

 this (and similar matrices) occur in a much complicated
 structure, for which I try to find a simpler generation


 If you consider the function

  U_t(x) = t^x - 1

 and the iterate

  U_t(x,h) = U_t(t^x - 1,h-1)

then U_t(x,h) is a powerseries in x, where each term
is also a function of t and h.

  U_t(x,h) = a1(t,h)*x/1! + a2(t,h)*x^2/2! + a3(t,h)*x^3/3! + ...

The coeffient-functions a_k() can be expressed as matrices, row-
resp. column-scaled by t resp t^h.

It is possible to get all coefficients a_k by symbolic
eigendecomposition of the involved matrix-operator; however
this is extremely memory-consuming. To get only 64 terms
for U_t(x,h) you need about 256 Mb memory, with more than geometric
growth-rate of memory depending on number of required terms.

I could identify the matrix-coefficents for the first
few a_k (say k=1..32), but there is not hope to be
able to improve this much. However, the matrices look
a bit systematic, related to the Stirling-numbers, and
also seem to follow some general rules so that is hope,
one could determine each coefficent *individually*.

This could be possible by solving for the unknown coefficients
in the a_k()-matrices by known initial values and some hypothetical
In other words: this would allow to determine, say, a_96() just by
computation of its matrixcoefficients - without the symbolic
computation of eigensystem of the 96x96-matrix-operator for the
U_t()-function (which should be impossible due to time and memory

A simple recursion scheme would then be a extremely useful
tool for the number-theoretical analysis of the U_t(x,h)-function

Well, I felt that the matrix, which I posted before, might have
come across someone and possibly a link to a related discussion could
be given, so I just posted the simple example.


Here is even more context:

The general problem is to solve for non-square matrices, which
contain coefficients to determine the powerseries-coefficients a_k.
Let's call these matrices M_1,M_2,M_3 for a_1,a_2,... respectively.
If I don't use the eigensystem-solver, the entries in M-matrices
are unknwon except some known "initial" values (first,last row).

According to a hypothesis of mine they satisfy also enough conditions,
that the unknown entries may be determined uniquely for each M_

Example, nearly the most simple one.
M_3 =                   RS=       D_3 =
|  -1    7  -12   6 | | 0 |      | -1 |
|  -b0  b1  -b2  b3 | | ? |      |  1 |
|  -c0  c1  -c2  c3 | | ? |      |  1 |
|  -6   11   -6   1 | | 0 |      |  0 |
|   0    0    0   0 | | 0 |      | -1 |
|   0    0    0   0 | | 0 |      | -1 |
|   0    0    0   0 | | 0 |      |  1 |

The unknown entries in M_3 are sought, such that the condition,
that their rowsums agree to some compositions of shifts of D_3,
is satisfied.
For this case, we see immediately, that the row-sums equal zero,
since we have the two rows of known init-values, and they provide
zeros. So using

  D_3 * k0 = RS

is only possible for k0 = 0, and RS is then completely zero,
giving first relations between b and c-unknowns.

The next condition involves a vertical shift of columns in M_3:

M_3 =                   RS=       D_3 =
|  -1               | |-1 |      | -1 |
|  -b0   7          | | ? |      |  1 |
|  -c0  b1  -12     | | ? |      |  1 |
|  -6   c1  -b2   6 | | ? |      |  0 |
|   0   11  -c2  b3 | | ? |      | -1 |
|   0    0   -6  c3 | | ? |      | -1 |
|   0    0    0   1 | | 1 |      |  1 |

Again, the RS must match an integer composition of D_3,

  k0 * D_3 = RS

and k0 = 1 in this case, and we have some more equations
to relate the unknowns - but that might not be enough

Next is equivalent.
M_3 =                   RS=       D_3 =
|  -1               | |-1 |      | -1          |
|  -b0              | | ? |      |  1 -1       |
|  -c0   7          | | ? |      |  1  1 -1    |
|  -6   b1          | | ? |      |  0  1  1 -1 |
|   0   c1  -12     | | ? |      | -1  0  1  1 |
|   0   11  -b2     | | ? |      | -1 -1  0  1 |
|   0    0  -c2   6 | | ? |      |  1 -1 -1  0 |
|   0    0   -6  b3 | | ? |      |     1 -1 -1 |
|   0    0    0  c3 | | ? |      |        1 -1 |
|   0    0    0   1 | | 1 |      |           1 |

Here we encounter compositions of shifted D_3 involved;
we seek a columnvector K=[k0,k1,k2,k3] , which allows
  RS = D_3 * K

Obviously k0=1 and k3=1, but k1 and k2 are now two more
If we still don't have enough equations to determine
all the unknowns, this scheme can be continued.


But this is a very complicated process, epecially if the
M_matrices are bigger.

So I tried to find an alternative: in this case whether I
can determine the needed K-vectors apriori.

The K-vectors for consecutive M_2,M_3,M_4,,,, ,all with
the same shift, combined give some matrices, and
the posted matrix is just one example.

If I would be able to determine the K-matrices, by some
handy recursive generation rule, then also the solution
for the M-matrices would be immediate and I could generate
many more terms of the powerseries for the U_t()-function
for further investigation. (well, it is no problem to
get them numerically, however for a deeper consideration
of convergence and such I need a symbolic description in
terms of t and h)

Gottfried Helms

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gottfried Helms <helms at>
> Did someone come across this triangle?
>                           1
>                      1    1    1
>                 1    3    4    3    1
>            1    7   13   19   13    6   1
>       1   15   40   85   96   75   35  10  1
>   1  31  121  335  560  616  471  240  80  15  1
>  ...
> (not found in OEIS)
> Apparently related to Stirling numbers (1'st or 2'nd kind)
>        1
>      1   1
>    1   3   1
>  1   7   6   1
>  ...
> Gottfried Helms

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