update to A124350: Numbers of Hamiltonian paths on the n-prism graph.

Max Alekseyev maxale at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 21:01:54 CET 2008

Neil, Eric, SeqFans,

I've got the following formula for the number of directed Hamiltonian
paths in the n-prism graph:


Based on this formula I suggest to update A124350 as listed below.
Eric, please update MathWorld entries referring to A124350 accordingly.

P.S. I've also prepended three initial terms, computed from the
formula above, despite that the n-prism graph is not defined for n<3.


%I A124350
%S A124350 0,4,24,60,144,260,456,700,1056,1476,2040,2684,3504,4420,5544,6780,8256,9860,11736,13756,
%T A124350 16080,18564,21384,24380,27744,31300,35256,39420,44016,48836,54120,59644,65664,71940,
%U A124350 78744,85820,93456,101380,109896,118716,128160,137924,148344,159100,170544,182340
%N A124350 4*n*([n^2/2]+1). For n>=3, the number of directed
Hamiltonian paths on the n-prism graph.
%F A124350 a(n) = 4*n*([n^2/2]+1)
%H A124350 Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a
%Y A124350 Cf. A124349.
%Y A124350 Adjacent sequences: A124347 A124348 A124349 this_sequence
A124351 A124352 A124353
%Y A124350 Sequence in context: A043478 A044311 A044692 this_sequence
A039497 A135199 A112065
%K A124350 nonn
%O A124350 0,2
%A A124350 Eric Weisstein (eric(AT)weisstein.com), Oct 26, 2006
%E A124350 Formula and further terms from Max Alekseyev
(maxal(AT)cs.ucsd.edu), Feb 7, 2008

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