More digital silliness

Bob Hearn seqfan at
Thu Jan 10 02:03:51 CET 2008


    I considered about a sequence related with tree graph.


         |                  m=1

       __|__                m=2

 __|_____|_____|__          m=3
   |     |     |
   _|_         _|_         m=4
 | _|_    |    _|_ |
    |     |     |
       | _|_ |

    How do they say these graphs?
    I don't know the name which mathematicians ordinarily use.
    I suppose that "Tree graph of degree 3 of length n".
    Is it correct?         

    %I A000001
    %S A000001 1,3,81,1594323,12157665459056928801

    %N A000001 Number of partitions into "Bus route" of G_n.
    %F A000001 a(n)=3^((3^n-1)/2) n={length of tree graph}-1
    %e A000001 Figure of G_3.

   _|_         _|_         
 | _|_    |    _|_ |
    |     |     |
       | _|_ |

    %Y A000001 A131709
    %K A000001 none
    %O A000001 0,2
    %A A000001 Yasutoshi Kohmoto   zbi74583 at


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