Number of letters in word for n in various languages

Jeremy Gardiner jeremy.gardiner at
Fri Jun 20 20:04:19 CEST 2008

The following book, according to the review in the 21 Jun 2008 New
Scientist, p.55, includes: "The counting words for the numbers 1 to 10
are specified for major languages, providing an intriguing list of
similarities and disparities."

1000 Languages: The Worldwide History of Living and Lost Tongues

Edited by Peter K. Austin

By 2050 half of our languages may be extinct

'1000 Languages' explores the sources, interrelationships and
characteristics of the world's languages, including the major and
minor ones of every region, and discusses the topical issue of
endangered and extinct tongues.

There are over 6,000 languages in use around the world, ranging in
size from those with hundreds of millions of speakers to those with
only one or two.

In this highly illustrated book, each main entry details numbers of
speakers, geographical spread, growth, development and key features.
Comprehensive chapters consider endangered and extinct languages, and
an extensive map section shows the dissemination of language groups.

Peter K Austin is currently Märit Rausing Chair in Field Linguistics
and Director of the Endangered Languages Academic Programme at the
School of Oriental and African Studies in London. His publications
embrace work including historical and comparative linguistics,
typology, Aboriginal history and biography, and seven bilingual

I was asked if I wanted both, and the answer is yes.
See A005589 and A006944 for English, 
A007005 or A006969 for French.

By the way, I've updated the Index entry , which now
looks like this:

letters in n  , <a NAME="letters">sequences related to (start):</a>
letters in n (in English): A005589*, A006944
letters in n (in other languages) (1): A001050 (Finnish), A001368 (Irish Gaelic), A003078 (Danish), A006968 or A092196 (Roman numerals), A007005 or A006969 (French), A006994 (Russian), A007208 (German), A007292 (Hungarian), A007485 or A090589 (Dutch),
letters in n (in other languages) (2): A008962 (Polish), A010038 (Czech), A011762 (Spanish), A027684 (Hebrew, dotted), A051785 (Catalan), A026858 (Italian), A056597 (Serbian or Croatian), A057435 (Turkish), A132984 (Latin), A140395 (Hindi),
letters in n (in other languages) (3): A053306 (Galego), A057696 (Brazilian Portuguese), A057853 (Esperanto), A059124 (Swedish), A030166, A112348, A112349 and A112350 (Chinese), A030166 (Japanese Kanji), A140396 (Welsh)

and there are links from all these sequences pointing
back to this place in the Index.


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