Composites, emirps, and emirpimes among de Polignac numbers (A006285)

Andrew Weimholt andrew at
Thu Jun 19 11:27:54 CEST 2008

On 6/18/08, Jonathan Post <jvospost3 at> wrote:
> Again, I know that njas and many others dislike "base" sequences.
> But, to me, the intersection of two OEIS seqs is (if not too sparse) a
> legitimate submission.
> Anyone have an opinion on this? Or an extension?

IMHO, for an intersection of two sequences to be worthy of being in
the OEIS requires...

(1) that the both sequences themselves be interesting and noteworthy
(2) that there be some evidence of a mathematical relationship between
the two sequences (other than that the intersection is not too

Your proposed sequence meets neither of these, as the "emirps"
sequence hardly deserves mention in the first place, and so far there
is no grounds to make a meaningful conjecture about why the two
sequences should even be mentioned in the same breath.


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