A114532 : (a worse?) version of A067276

zak seidov zakseidov at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 04:16:29 CET 2008

Another (occasionally found) dupe...

%N A067276 Determinant of n X n matrix containing the
first n^2 primes in increasing order.

A114532 The n-th entry of the sequence is the value of
the determinant of an n X n matrix 
               M defined as follows: if we concatenate
the rows of M to form a vector 
               v of length n^2, v_i is the i-th prime

%I A067276
%S A067276
%T A067276
%U A067276
%V A067276
%W A067276
%X A067276
%N A067276 Determinant of n X n matrix containing the
first n^2 primes in increasing order.

%I A114532
%S A114532 1,78,880,4656
%V A114532 -1,-78,880,-4656
%N A114532 The n-th entry of the sequence is the value
of the determinant of an n X n matrix 
               M defined as follows: if we concatenate
the rows of M to form a vector 
               v of length n^2, v_i is the i-th prime

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