b-file sanity check

David W. Wilson wilson.d at anseri.com
Wed May 28 14:32:39 CEST 2008

Well, despite my best efforts, I did it again.


I've recently been working on my backlog of OEIS edits, and I went to submit
a b-file and link for A018834, which I copied from a similar link for
A000426. I neglected to change the link target, so the A018834 b-file link
points to b000426.txt.


It would probably be in the best interest of the OEIS if someone wrote a
b-file checking tool. It should at least


-          Make sure that each b-file link points to a valid b-file.

-          Make sure that each b-file link points to the correct b-file for
the sequence (I am prone to messing this up, apparently).

-          Make sure that every b-file in the OEIS directory is linked from
a sequence.

-          Make sure that every b-file is properly formatted (I know that at
least one is not).

-          Make sure that index limits mentioned on the link line correspond
to actual index limits in the b-file.



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