number of partitions bench mark

Alec Mihailovs alec at
Wed May 14 02:09:39 CEST 2008

> 2008/5/13 N. J. A. Sloane <njas at>:
> These errors in Maple seem bad enough to be placed on record,
> so I'm making a new entry (it will be A110375 at the
> next update) to preserve them.
> Neil

I asked in Mapleprimes whether that holds also for Maple 12,

and received a reply from Alejandro Jakubi that Maple 12 gives the same 
answer as Maple 11 for the first term, and a reply from Robert Israel, that 
also for the other terms. So the definition of the sequence can be extended 
to include Maple 12 as well.

Alec Mihailovs 

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