New sequence derived from the totient function

Max Alekseyev maxale at
Thu May 15 03:21:19 CEST 2008

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Benoit Jubin <benoit.jubin at> wrote:

>> 1, 2, 7, 7, 13, 13, 19, 19, 31, 31, 31, 31, 43, 43, 43, 43, 61, 61,
> Thanks for the computation, Max.  Shouldn't the second term be 3 instead of 2 ?

Sure, you're right, but the remaining terms must be correct.
The reason for this miscalculation of the second term was incorrect
initialization of the set S in my code.
Here is the corrected code and the sequence:

? S=Set(invphi(1));print1(1,",

1, 3, 7, 7, 13, 13, 19, 19, 31, 31, 31, 31, 43, 43, 43, 43, 61, 61,
61, 61, 67, 67, 67, 67, 91, 91, 91, 91, 91, 91, 91, 91, 121, 121, 121,
121, 127, 127, 127, 127, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 211,
211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211,
211, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 271, 271, 271, 271, 271,
271, 271, 271, 331, 331, 331, 331, 331, 331, 331, 331, 331, 331, 331,
331, 331, 331, 331, 331, 421, 421, 421, 421,


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