Groupoids have entered the OEIS !

franktaw at franktaw at
Sat May 17 07:39:10 CEST 2008

Assuming that there is literature about such things -- even if that
doesn't extend to counting them -- I would think it would
certainly be a good idea.  Even if there isn't, I would still favor it. 

These are certainly more interesting than 90% of what is in the

The sequences currently in the OEIS for connected categories
are there because they are tools for the calculation of the total
number of categories.  This is not to imply that they don't
deserve to be there in their own right.

Franklin T. Adams-Watters

-----Original Message-----
From: Benoît Jubin <benoit.jubin at>


By the way, what do you think about adding similar sequences for
"strongly connected categories" (that is, there exists a morphism
between every couple - as opposed to pair - of objects) ?


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