[seqfan] A169605 error and extension

Jim Nastos nastos at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 03:12:07 CET 2009

  I found this sequence in the "more" section:

Numbers x of the form x=2*y-3=3*z-2 where y and z are primes.

 7, 19, 31, 55, 91, 139, 199
I find the sequence to be:
7, 19, 31, 55, 91, 139, 175, 199, 211, 379, 391, 451, 499, 535, 631,
715, 919, 931, 1039, 1135, 1291, 1315, 1399, 1435, 1639, 1711, 1759,
1819, 1939, 2179, 2215, 2359, 2431, 2515...

Note that the term 175 was missing from the original sequence.

Maybe also of interest: primes in A169605:

7 19 31 139 199 211 379 499 631 919 1039 1291 1399 1759 2179

I haven't submitted these as it's my understanding that contributions
should hold of until the wiki is in full swing.


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