[seqfan] prime congruences: A157010 and A042987

Richard Mathar mathar at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Sun Feb 22 21:18:51 CET 2009

The author of A157010 claims that his sequence is different
from A042987, but does not give an argument. Using my two
hand's fingers, and looking at the congruences 0 (mod 8)
(empty set for primes) 1 mod 8, 2 mod 8 (contains only the 2)
3 mod 8, (4 mod 8 empty set for primes, divisor 4), 5 mod 8, (6 mod 8 empty
set for primes, divisor 2), 7 mod 8, I get prime classifications into the non-empty sets
1 mod 8
2 mod 8 (member p=2 only)
3 mod 8
5 mod 8
7 mod 8

So if the primes are not in  (1 mod 8), which is A157010,
they are clearly in (2 or 3 or 5 or 7) mod 8 which is A042987.
Am I overlooking some basics here?


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