[seqfan] Re: Rank of n in the Odd/Even sequence

Prof. Dr. Alois Heinz heinz at hs-heilbronn.de
Tue Feb 3 18:57:46 CET 2009

Eric Angelini schrieb:

> Is the hereunder idea 'chaff' ?

Yes, it is.

>I have computed this array yesterday (by hand):
> S(1) =  1, 1,  6,   58,     5829,    58292915, ...
> S(2) =  2, 1, 11, 1056, 10555528, ...
> S(3) =  3, 2, 16, 1608, 16080804, ...
> S(4) =  4, 2, 21, 2111, 21106056, ...
> S(5) =  5, 3, 27, 2664, 26636332, ...
> S(6) =  6, 3, 32, 3166, 31661583, ...
> S(7) =  7, 4, 37, 3719, 37186860, ...
> S(8) =  8, 4, 42, 4221, 42212111, ...
> S(9) =  9, 5, 48, 4774, 47742387, ...     
>S(10) = 10, 5, 53, 5277, 52767639, ...
>Could someone extend this array (to the right) -- or at least S(1)?
But with the help of a tiny Maple Program ...

rank:= n-> `if` (type(n, 'even'), n/2, (n+1)/2);
a := proc (n,k) option remember;
 if n=1 then k
        else rank (parse (cat(seq(a(j,k), j=1..n-1))))

for k from 1 to 10 do  lprint (seq(a(n,k), n=1..7)) od ;

1, 1, 6, 58, 5829, 58292915, 5829291479146458
2, 1, 11, 1056, 10555528, 1055552805277764, 10555528052777640527776402638882
3, 2, 16, 1608, 16080804, 1608080408040402, 16080804080404020804040204020201
4, 2, 21, 2111, 21106056, 2110605560553028, 21106055605530281055302780276514
5, 3, 27, 2664, 26636332, 2663633213318166, 26636332133181661331816606659083
6, 3, 32, 3166, 31661583, 3166158315830792, 31661583158307916583079157915396
7, 4, 37, 3719, 37186860, 3718685968593430, 37186859685934301859342984296715
8, 4, 42, 4221, 42212111, 4221211071106056, 42212110711060557110605535553028
9, 5, 48, 4774, 47742387, 4774238723871194, 47742387238711937387119361935597
10, 5, 53, 5277, 52767639, 5276763876383820, 

seq (a(n,1), n=1..10);
 1, 1, 6, 58, 5829, 58292915, 5829291479146458,

With regards, Alois

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