[seqfan] Re: A061653 corrected!

Richard Mathar mathar at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Fri Feb 6 16:09:51 CET 2009

I have read and keyed in a larger portion of the Washington data
of A061653 (so there will be errors..) and put them
into the file b.txt (attached). If one runs the washing.mp
Maple program (attached) on this, which sorts them by n and fills in
the n= 2 mod 4 cases,  one may generate a b-file from there:

maple -q washing.mp > b061653.txt

Richard J. Mathar                Tel (+31) (0) 71 527 8459
Sterrewacht Universiteit Leiden Fax (+31) (0) 71 527 5819
Postbus 9513
The Netherlands                 URL http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~mathar
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67 853513
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73 11957417
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111 480852
117 132678
135 75961
148 4827501
152 1666737
216 1714617
228 238203
252 71344
79 100146415
123 8425472
164 82817240
165 92620
176 29371375
200 14907805
220 856220
264 1875500
300 1307405
83 838216959
129 37821539
147 5874617
172 792653572
196 82708823
89 13379363737
115 44697909
184 1486137318
276 131209986
141 1257700495
188 24260850805
97 411322842001
119 1238459625
153 2416282880
195 22151168
208 29904190875
224 14989501800
260 531628032
280 265454280
288 32899636107
312 1621069632
336 930436416
360 523952100
420 10229232
101 3547404378125
125 57708445601
103 9069094643165
159 223233182255
212 6789574466337
107 63434933542623
109 161784800122409
133 157577452812
171 503009425548
189 105778197511
324 5770749978919
121 12188792628211
113 1612072001362952
145 1467250393088
232 248372639563776
348 5889026949120
177 81730647171051
236 4509195165737013
143 36027143124175
155 84473643916800
175 4733255370496
183 767392851521600
225 15175377535571
231 298807787520
244 30953273659007535
248 12239782830975744
308 12767325061120
372 307999672562880
396 44485944574929
127 2604529186263992195
255 16881405898800
256 10449592865393414737
272 239445927053918208
320 39497094130144005
340 1212125245952000
384 107878055185500777
408 4710612981841920
480 617689081497600
131 28496379729272136525
161 17033926767658911
201 252655290579982532
207 57569648362893621
268 28431682983759502069
137 646901570175200968153
139 1753848916484925681747
213 20748314966568340907
284 1858128446456993562103
185 13767756481797006325
219 219406633996698095616
273 21198594942959616
285 34397734347893592
292 26883466789548427261560
296 8269489911111632618625
304 1764209801444986506285
315 3990441973190400
364 2153601104578560000
380 3118301079203997232
432 859095743251563370449
444 55382724129516879312
456 17643537152468843364
468 6618931810639948800
504 2077452902069895168
540 1892923169092229025
149 687887859687174720123201
151 2333546653547742584439257
157 56234327700401832767069245
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# Create b061653.txt on stdout from b.txt, where b.txt
# contains two columns with integers "n h-(n)" with
# irregularly spaced n-Numbers.
# Richard J. Mathar, 2009-02-06

alim := 10000 :
a := [seq(0,i=1..alim)] :
# scan "b.txt" to the bottom
while true do
	was := fscanf("b.txt","%d %d") ;
	if was = [] then
	n := op(1,was) ;
	an := op(2,was) ;
	if op(n,a) <> 0 then
		error n
	a := subsop(n=an,a) ;
	if n mod 2 = 1 and 2*n <= alim then
		if op(2*n,a) <> 0 then
			error 2*n,n
		a := subsop(2*n=an,a) ;

# Create bfile list on stdout as far as index range is continuously
# occupied with an.
for n from 1 do
	if op(n,a) = 0 then
	printf("%d %d\n",n,op(n,a)) ;
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59 41421
60 1
61 76301
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66 1
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71 3882809
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73 11957417
74 37
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77 1280
78 2
79 100146415
80 5
81 2593
82 121
83 838216959
84 1
85 6205
86 211
87 1536
88 55
89 13379363737
90 1
91 53872
92 201
93 6795
94 695
95 107692
96 9
97 411322842001
98 43
99 2883
100 55
101 3547404378125
102 5
103 9069094643165
104 351
105 13
106 4889
107 63434933542623
108 19
109 161784800122409
110 10
111 480852
112 468
113 1612072001362952
114 9
115 44697909
116 10752
117 132678
118 41421
119 1238459625
120 4
121 12188792628211
122 76301
123 8425472
124 45756
125 57708445601
126 7
127 2604529186263992195
128 359057
129 37821539
130 64
131 28496379729272136525
132 11
133 157577452812
134 853513
135 75961
136 111744
137 646901570175200968153
138 69
139 1753848916484925681747
140 39
141 1257700495
142 3882809
143 36027143124175
144 507
145 1467250393088
146 11957417
147 5874617
148 4827501
149 687887859687174720123201
150 11
151 2333546653547742584439257
152 1666737
153 2416282880
154 1280
155 84473643916800
156 156
157 56234327700401832767069245
158 100146415
159 223233182255
160 31365
161 17033926767658911
162 2593

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