[seqfan] Re: A120511 a(n) = min{j : A006949(j) = n}

Max Alekseyev maxale at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 08:25:51 CEST 2009

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Georgi Guninski <guninski at guninski.com> wrote:

>> A120511 a(n) = min{j : A006949(j) = n}
>> A006949                A well-behaved cousin of the Hofstadter sequence
>> seems to satisfy:

> a(n)=a(round(n/2)+(n mod 2))+n

I guess you meant a(n) = a(ceil(n/2)) + n.

This can be proved as follows.

Let b=A006949. It is known that
b(n) = b(n-1-b(n-1)) + b(n-2-b(n-2))
b(n-1) <= b(n) <= b(n-1)+1.

The following claims are trivial:

Claim 1. For any n, b(a(n))=n.

Claim 2. If m=a(n) for some n, then a(b(m))=m.

Claim 3. Let m=a(n). Then b(m)=n and b(m-1)=n-1, implying that
b(m+1) = b(m-b(m)) + b(m-1-b(m-1)) = 2*b(m-n)
is an even number.

Claim 4. Each even number in A006949 is repeated at least two times
(actually, even number of times), while each odd number in A006949
appears only once.
If n is even, then for m=a(n), we have b(m)=n and b(m+1)=n (from Claim
3), i.e., n is repeated at least two times.
If n is odd, then for m=a(n), we cannot have b(m+1)=n since by Claim 3
b(m+1) must be even.

Consider two cases:

1) If n is odd, then b(m+1) = n+1 = 2*b(m-n), i.e., b(m-n) = (n+1)/2.
Claim 4 also implies b(m-2)=n-1. Therefore,
n = b(m) = b(m-1-b(m-1)) + b(m-2-b(m-2)) = b(m-n) + b(m-n-1)
Since n is odd, we have b(m-n-1)<b(m-n) and thus a(b(m-n))=m-n.

2) If n is even, then b(m+1) = n = 2*b(m-n), i.e., b(m-n) = n/2.
Claim 4 also implies b(m-3)=b(m-2)=n-2. Therefore,
n-1 = b(m-1) = b(m-2-b(m-2)) + b(m-3-b(m-3)) = b(m-n) + b(m-n-1)
Since n-1 is odd, we have b(m-n-1)<b(m-n) and thus a(b(m-n))=m-n.

Combining these two cases, we have b(m-n) = ceil(n/2) and furthermore
m-n = a(b(m-n)) = a(ceil(n/2))
a(n) = a(ceil(n/2)) + n.


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