[seqfan] Re: Naturals reordered: a(n)th first digit is not a(n)th digitof S

franktaw at netscape.net franktaw at netscape.net
Tue Feb 23 22:11:41 CET 2010

It's not quite the same, but take a look at A096779.

Franklin T. Adams-Watters

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Angelini <Eric.Angelini at kntv.be>

Hello SeqFans,
this stuff is now there:

... where one will read, at the end of the page:

>This suggests the ultimate Z sequence:
> « First lexically re-ordering Z of the Naturals where
>   no digit of a(n) is the a(n)th digit of Z »
>But this is impossible, Z has to stop somewhere: we have
>no more choice for the 1023456789th digit of Z, for instance...

... How many terms are in Z?
... What would be the last term?

A short explanation: if 2106515 is in Z, this means that no
digit of 2106515 (2,1,0,6 or 5) is the 2106515th digit of Z.



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