[seqfan] Re: help needed editing A175625

Richard Mathar mathar at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Sat Jul 31 23:04:36 CEST 2010

In response to http://list.seqfan.eu/pipermail/seqfan/2010-July/005469.html

If we select  N(i)=2*i+7; ((2*i+7) mod 3)> 0;
as "Numbers n of the form 2*i+7 which are congruent to 1 or 2 mod 3" we 
get A007310 without the 1 and 5, supposing i>=0.
If we further demand that 4^(i+3) == 1 (mod 2i+7) we seem to get
mostly prime numbers n >=7 (?) and in addition nonprimes 341, 1105, 1387,
1729 etc (is this A066488?).
If we furthermore sieve that 4^(i+2) == 1 (mod i+3) then we get for the n:


So if we say
Members n of A007310 such that 2^(n-1) =1 (mod n) and 2^(n-3) = 1 (mod (n-1)/2)
then we get


A007310 := proc(n)
        option remember;
        if n <= 2 then
                procname(n-2)+6 ;
        end if;
end proc:

for i from 1 to 2000 do
        n := A007310(i) ;
        if 2^(n-1) mod n = 1 then
                if 2^(n-3) mod ((n-1)/2) = 1 then
	                printf("%d,",n) ;
                end if;
        end if;
end do:

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