[seqfan] Re: Decimal expansion of sum of the reciprocals of the Mersenne primes

Charles Greathouse charles.greathouse at case.edu
Mon Mar 1 21:04:43 CET 2010

I can't speak to the value of having such a sequence, but the constant
can be computed easily:

Knowing the Mersenne prime exponents up to p > 2 gives the constant to
at least p bits of precision (since p+1 is not the exponent of a
Mersenne prime and sum(i=p+2, infty, 1/(2^i - 1)) <= sum(i=p+1, infty,
2^-i) = 2^-p).  With A000043 known up to a(39) = 13466917, that's 4
million digits.

Charles Greathouse
Case Western Reserve University

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Jonathan Post <jvospost3 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I do not see in OEIS either the Decimal expansion nor continued
> fraction representations
> SUM[i=1..infinity] 1/A000668(i) =  SUM[i=1..infinity] reciprocal of
> i-th Mersenne prime (primes of form 2^p - 1 where p is a prime)
> (1/3) + (1/7) + (1/31) + (1/127) + (1/8191) + (1/131071) +  (1/524287) + ...
> We know it to be strictly less than the Erdős-Borwein constant,which,
> is the sum of the reciprocals of the Mersenne numbers.
> The crudest calculation (using Google as a low-precision calculator) gives
> (1/3) + (1/7) + (1/31) + (1/127) + (1/8191) + (1/131071) ~ 0.516452271
> Have I missed it as a seq, or is it worth doing to 100 digits as a new seq?
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