[seqfan] Re: prime + factorial = prime

Klaus Brockhaus klaus-brockhaus at t-online.de
Tue Mar 2 00:37:42 CET 2010

If someone is going to submit a correction to A092789, I could
supply a refined version of the MAGMA program.

Klaus Brockhaus schrieb:
> Leroy Quet schrieb:
>> Second, the definition to A092789 seems to be completely wrong.
>> It seems what was meant was instead, a(n) = the smallest prime of the form p(n) + m!, where p(n) is the nth prime", or something like that.
>> In that case, the offset would be wrong too.
> Yes, I think
> %N A092789 a(n) = smallest prime of the form p(n) + m!, where p(n) is the n-th prime.
> %O A092789 1,1
> is correct. I wrote a quick-and-dirty MAGMA program (below) which 
> confirms this.

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