[seqfan] Re: Help needed

Richard Guy rkg at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Sat Mar 13 21:27:01 CET 2010

Glad you think so, but my questions remain unanswered.  R.

On Sat, 13 Mar 
2010, N. J. A. Sloane wrote:

> Richard,  looks good:
> %I A000001
> %S A000001 0,1,2,12,36,125,384,1183,3528,10404,30250,87131,248832,705757,
> %T A000001 1989806,5581500,15586704,43356953,120187008,332134459,915304500,
> %U A000001 2516113236,6900949462,18888143927,51599794176,140718765625,383142771674
> %N A000001 n times the square of Fibonacci(n).
> ...
> It will be A169630
> Neil
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