[seqfan] Re: comparison of A174025 A118758 and A118757

franktaw at netscape.net franktaw at netscape.net
Wed Mar 17 22:23:43 CET 2010

IMO, even better to include a b-file, so one can actually see the 
differences.  This is what was done here; however, they haven't been 
processed yet.

Franklin T. Adams-Watters

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Mathar <mathar at strw.leidenuniv.nl>

This question was not asked for curiosity of getting the actual answer,
but to have some clear and unambiguous comment placed in A174025
that this is not a duplicate of any of the sequences that start
precisely with the same numbers in the initial block of terms
that are on default display.

I've seen many duplicates submitted in the past - Franklin is definitely
not on the list of the usual suspects - that were doubtful on their
status relative to similar sequences. So it's a good habit to
put a statement on the differences into every new sequence that appears
to be the same as others, even if the definition shows clearly that 
sooner or
later terms will diverge.

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