[seqfan] Re: Palindromic Subsequences Of Prime Differences

Hans Havermann pxp at rogers.com
Fri Mar 26 02:21:22 CET 2010

> The sequence of prime indices, 1,2,3,2136,4,...

I think it's 1, 2, 3, 2136, 3*, 55337, 7, 5669438, 6, ...

for primes 2, 3, 5, 18713, 5* (not 7), 683747, 17, 98303867, 13, ...

For the even terms, cf. A006562 (Balanced primes of order one:  
5, ...), A051795 (Doubly balanced primes: 18731, ...), A081415 (Triply  
balanced primes: 683783, ...), A096710 (Quadruply balanced primes:  
98303927, ...).

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