[seqfan] Re: a(n) is tau[a(n)+a(n+1)]

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at gmail.com
Tue May 18 17:48:29 CEST 2010

> PS: M. Hasler's email just arrived, but that's okay, because he seems
> to agree.  :^)

Actually I should confess that I simply used Richard Mathar's PARI
code for A005179,
so credits should go mainly to him ; my only merit was to get the
copy-paste right
(not so easy, though... ;-)

Seq. A005179 should be referenced if you submit yours (Eric)
(anyway the next term will not fit into the 3 lines...),
you could add the formula :
a(n+1) = A005179( a(n) ) - a(n).

So the new sequence (not in OEIS unless I'm wrong)

A005179( n ) - n
= [0, 0, 1, 2, 11, 6, 57, 16, 27, 38, 1013, 48, 4083, 178, 129, 104,
65519, 162, 262125, 220, 555, 3050, 4194281, 336, 1271, 12262, 873,
932, 268435427, 690, 1073741793, 808, 9183, 196574, 5149, 1224,
68719476699, 786394, 36825, 1640, 1099511627735, 2838,  ...]

is also relevant ; that one could be computed to some extend.


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