[seqfan] Despite the comment in the sequence, ...

Charles Greathouse charles.greathouse at case.edu
Wed Nov 17 07:22:07 CET 2010

I'm thinking of giving A156944 keyword:base.  What say you?

%N Let d(i) be the i-th digit of the decimal expansion of e =
2.718281828459045235360287471352662..., so that d(1) = 2, d(2) = 7,
d(3) = 1, etc. Then a[n_] := d(10 - d(n)).

%C This is NOT base sequence because in the seed sequence d(i) may be
any integer, then a(n)=d(M-d(n)) with M>maximal value of d(i).

Charles Greathouse
Case Western Reserve University

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