[seqfan] A new way to create OEIS sequence A051437?

THOMAS YOUNG TYOUNG at district16.org
Wed Sep 8 22:53:39 CEST 2010

I was taking a class on our new Geometry curriculum this summer.  We were exploring symmetry in quilts.  This prompted me to explore the idea a little bit more and I think I have stumbled upon a new way to create OEIS sequence A051437.
I have posted an article describing my ideas on this web page:
The article is on the right side of the page under the Title "Math Research Quilt Pattern Symmetry"
Does this look right to you?
Should it be added as a comment to this sequence?
Tom Young
Spring Lake Park Senior High
1100 81st Avenue
Spring Lake Park, MN 55432
763 - 795 - 5149

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