[seqfan] 27538/27539 requires 8 distinct unit fractions

hv at crypt.org hv at crypt.org
Tue Sep 14 13:45:36 CEST 2010

(See also <http://mathoverflow.net/questions/33628>.)

27538/27539 is the simplest rational that cannot be expressed as the sum
of 7 or fewer distinct unit fractions. That is, no rational p/q requires
8 or more with 0 < p/q < 1, and either q < 27539 or (q = 27539 and p < 27538).

%I A097048
%S A097048 2,3,5,11,17,79,733,27539
%E A097049 a(8) from Hugo van der Sanden <hv at crypt.org>, Sep 14, 2010.

%I A097049
%S A097049 1,2,4,8,16,77,732,27538
%E A097049 a(8) from Hugo van der Sanden <hv at crypt.org>, Sep 14, 2010.

You'll find the code I used at <http://crypt.org/hv/maths/least_eg-0.01.tar.gz>,
and description at <http://crypt.org/hv/maths/least_eg-0.01-README>.

Richard, this result may also be of interest for UPINT.


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