[seqfan] Mathematica code for trimming a sequence to the correct length

T. D. Noe noe at sspectra.com
Wed Apr 20 19:29:23 CEST 2011

(If you are not a Mathematica user, please ignore, or translate this code
to your favorite language and share.)

Do you want your sequences to be the correct length when you submit a new
sequence?  Me too.  So I wrote some code for doing it:

OEISTrim[lst_List, maxLen_Integer: 260] :=
 Module[{newLst = {}, len = 0},
  Do[len = len + 2 + Length[IntegerDigits[term]] + Boole[term < 0];
   If[len <= maxLen, AppendTo[newLst, term], Break[]], {term, lst}];

It defaults to a length of 260 characters, which seems perfect.  Example:
the sequence of numbers 1 to 100 is trimmed by


producing a list of just the first 67 numbers.

Best regards,


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