[seqfan] Re: Definition of A141534

Alexander P-sky apovolot at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 15:56:30 CEST 2011

Possible generating function:

g.f. = (-1 + x - x^2 - x^3 + x^5)/(-1 + x)^5

Possible continuation:

On 6/5/11, Richard Mathar <mathar at strw.leidenuniv.nl> wrote:
> Sequence http://oeis.org/A141534 is defined (apparently) as some simple
> sums of the array of polygonal numbers A086270, and one would expect
> this to match A006522 from A006522(3) on. The terms, however, fit a
> different
> formula, and I have not been able to resolve this matter.
> Does someone have an idea how the actual entries could match something
> defined in terms of sums of polygonal numbers?
> Currently this looks to me like a numerical error by the author.
> The option to resolve this are:
> i) mark the sequence as obsc and leave as is (a tutorial of how-not-to...)
> ii) delete
> iii) redefine as the 4th order matching polynomial
> iv) Copy over terms A006522(3,4,5,6...) to match the definition.
> Richard Mathar
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