[seqfan] Re: Arithmetic progressions of squares

Reinhard Zumkeller reinhard.zumkeller at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 13:44:46 CEST 2011

... please have a look at https://oeis.org/draft/A198384 .. A198390 (still
in limbo). Later I will also try the second part (restricted triples).


2011/10/24 Benoît Jubin <benoit.jubin at gmail.com>

> Dear Seqfans,
> There does not seem to be OEIS sequences listing arithmetic
> progressions of squares. The triples are characterized in
> http://www.math.uconn.edu/~kconrad/blurbs/ugradnumthy/3squarearithprog.pdf
> and it is shown that there is no arithmetic progression of four squares in
> http://www.math.uconn.edu/~kconrad/blurbs/ugradnumthy/4squarearithprog.pdf
> (I saw these papers while reading this question:
> http://mathoverflow.net/questions/78949/arithmetic-progressions-of-squares
> )
> It would be nice if someone could list these triples (ideally(?):
> smallest, middle, largest elements, common differences, corresponding
> smallest, middle, largest arguments; and the same restricting to
> triples which are not multiples of smaller ones).
> Benoit
> PS: I'm sorry this email sounds a bit like "please do that for me",
> but (1) I really don't have time right now (2) it would take me much
> more time to write a program to list and order them than most people
> here (3) at least now the request is written somewhere, and if no one
> finds time for it, I might do it next semester when I have more time.
> So I thought it was still better to write this email than do nothing.
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