[seqfan] Mystery concerning sequences A169720-A169727

Robert Munafo mrob27 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 07:00:14 CET 2012


I don't get the part where you count "3 triangles containing the
central hexagon", and "3 large triangles containing the white
hexagon". In each case I only see two triangles in the image at
oeis.org/A169720/a169720b.jpg  If you're counting a triangle twice,
why not count both of them twice?

At any rate, A169720 is much simpler than that. Note that every term
of A169720 is a term of A000217, and see my illustrations at

On 12/1/12, D. S. McNeil <dsm054 at gmail.com> wrote:
> A169720 seems to count the number of contained shapes from the inside out:
> 1 = 1 central hexagon
> 10 = 1 hexagon + 6 small triangles + 3 triangles containing the central
> hexagon
> 55 = 10 + 12 white triangles/hexagons + (3 tri + 1 hex) * 6 inside the
> green/blue triangles + 6 green/blue triangles + 3 large triangles
> containing the white hexagon = 22+24+9=55
> etc.

  Robert Munafo  --  mrob.com
  Follow me at: gplus.to/mrob - fb.com/mrob27 - twitter.com/mrob_27 -
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