[seqfan] Generalization of a LambertW Identity

Paul D Hanna pauldhanna at juno.com
Mon Oct 15 10:32:20 CEST 2012

      Consider the LambertW identity: 
1 = Sum_{n>=0} m*(n+m)^(n-1) * exp(-(n+m)*x) * x^n/n!.
I was surprised to find that the g.f.: 
Sum_{n>=0} n^n * m*(n+m)^(n-1) * exp(-n*(n+m)*x) * x^n/n! 
simplifies to a power series in x with integer coefficients for all integer m.  
More generally, let m, s>=0 and t be integers, then the series
Sum_{n>=0} n^(s*n) * m*(n*t+m)^(n-1) * exp(-n^s*(n*t+m)*x) * x^n/n! 
also simplifies to a power series in x with integer coefficients. 
The above statement is equivalent to showing that 
a(n) = 1/n! * Sum_{k=0..n} (-1)^(n-k)*binomial(n,k) * k^(s*n) * m*(k*t+m)^(n-1). 
is integral for n>=0 under the same conditions. 
There must be combinatorial interpretations for these sequences, but that is beyond my reach. 

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