[seqfan] New on wiki: Help Page, Eponymous index, Index to Fractions

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Wed May 29 15:32:12 CEST 2013

Dear Seq Fans, 3 newish things on the OEIS Wiki:
1. The OEIS Help Page: take a look, and click "Watch" so you can all help
answer questions from newbies

2. In the main Index, section "El", there is a new section called
"Eponymous sequences" which gives a selection of sequences that are named
after people, like the Ramanujan numbers. Of course some names - like
Riordan - have a large number of associated sequences, so I only give one
or two for each name.

3. I redid the Index to Fractions page and sorted the entries into a more
sensible order. Please add more entries - there are only a couple of
hundred entries, whereas there are over 3400 sequences with keyword "frac".


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