[seqfan] voting / the january competition

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 23:32:45 CET 2014

the deadline for voting is Dec 15 - send votes to me

about the competition:

there are 2 possibilities:

1.  make a list of the best candidates for A250000,
exclude the actual winner, pick say 10 of them,
ask people at the san antonio mtg to vote. We can also
include any outstanding submissions sent in up to Jan 10 deadline.


2.  there are a lot of entries in the oeis which have either a conjecture,
or the words "would be nice to have" ,
as in
A250127:   It would be nice to know what curve these points lie on.

the competition could be to prove one of these conjectures or to provide
whatever it would be nice to have. Then the judges would decide
contribution was the best.

People can easily search the OEIS for "Conjecture" and "would be nice" and
see if they solve any of these.

1. is a lot easier to do, but 2. is more likely to be beneficial to science.

Please tell me what you think. 1 or 2 ?

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