[seqfan] intersection patterns of n sets

Joerg Arndt arndt at jjj.de
Sat Dec 20 10:49:08 CET 2014

Removing all "geometric" restrictions from
and changing "circles" to "sets" we get a
comment that could possibly put into some(*)

"a(n+1) is the number of intersection patterns
of n (unlabeled) sets of unlabeled elements."

Now which one would be (*)?
Spoiler below.


Comment goes on:
"Take n nodes for the sets and put an edge between to
sets whenever they have a nonempty intersection;
take one extra node and put an edge to a set whenever
it has an element that is unique to it."

Yes, sequence (*) is

Is this a comment worthy of being put into A000088 ?

If so, should a similar comment appear in

Best regards,  jj

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