[seqfan] Symmetrize a formula?

Ron Hardin rhhardin at att.net
Mon Dec 29 20:34:37 CET 2014

The  a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) recurrence for every row and column of the T(n,k) array for this gives rise to a a*3^n+b*2^n+c formula for each row but I'd expect some symmetric form to result, one of these in n and one of these in k added together with a constant constant for the whole large end of the array.

I don't exactly see how to get there from where I've gotten (see below).

T(n,k)=Number of (n+1)X(k+1) 0..2 arrays with every 2X2 subblock diagonal minus antidiagonal sum nondecreasing horizontally and vertically

Table starts

Empirical for column k:
k=1: a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) for n>10
k=2: a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) for n>9
k=3: a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) for n>9
k=4: a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) for n>9
k=5: a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) for n>9
k=6: a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) for n>9
k=7: a(n)=6*a(n-1)-11*a(n-2)+6*a(n-3) for n>9
Empirical for column k:
k=1: a(n) = 400*3^(n-3) + 205*2^(n-1) + 2917 for n>7
k=2: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 444*2^(n-1) + 3059 for n>6
k=3: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 673*2^(n-1) + 3635 for n>6
k=4: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 1039*2^(n-1) + 5372 for n>6
k=5: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 1832*2^(n-1) + 10087 for n>6
k=6: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 3431*2^(n-1) + 23248 for n>6
k=7: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 6631*2^(n-1) + 59197 for n>6
k=8: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 13031*2^(n-1) + 159679 for n>6
k=9: a(n) = 529*3^(n-3) + 25831*2^(n-1) + 446341 for n>6


rhhardin at mindspring.com
rhhardin at att.net (either)

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