[seqfan] Re: Sum n/prime(n)^2

Charles Greathouse charles.greathouse at case.edu
Thu Dec 4 21:07:59 CET 2014

Richard Mathar is the expert here, I think. I tried to get some decimals
but I can't convince myself that I have any correct. For example, I think
(integrating n over the square of the inverse logarithmic integral) that
the tail error in CAMI's 1.1012478923014213 is at least 0.04, and it may be
quite a bit more. Maybe using the Cipolla series for prime(n) would help,
but then you have a whole bunch of problems no easier than A115563 and the
remaining terms still won't be that small.

Charles Greathouse
Case Western Reserve University

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Neil Sloane <njasloane at gmail.com> wrote:

> Someone added a remark that
> A097906 = A115563, which is nonsense. The
> latter is Sum 1/(n*log(n)^2) and we have it to many places, whereas the
> former is  Sum n/prime(n)^2 and we have 3 places.
> Can anyone get Sum n/prime(n)^2 to more (any!?) places?
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