[seqfan] Re: Empirical Formula Hunt - Pseudopolynomials

Ron Hardin rhhardin at att.net
Sat Dec 13 01:53:25 CET 2014

You're right.  I'll have to go back and change a bunch of comments someday.

rhhardin at mindspring.com
rhhardin at att.net (either)

> From: Charles Greathouse <charles.greathouse at case.edu>
>To: Sequence Fanatics Discussion list <seqfan at list.seqfan.eu> 
>Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 7:32 PM
>Subject: [seqfan] Re: Empirical Formula Hunt - Pseudopolynomials
>I've only heard these referred to as quasipolynomials. Who calls them

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