[seqfan] Re: deja vu

Joerg Arndt arndt at jjj.de
Tue Dec 30 17:44:29 CET 2014

* Antti Karttunen <antti.karttunen at gmail.com> [Dec 30. 2014 17:01]:
> [...]

> Yes, this has happened to me also, with an added twist that I cursed
> in my mind that "who the cretin has given such a wrong starting
> offset/missed the obvious initial term, for this otherwise useful
> sequence!", before seeing my own name in the author field (after
> scrolling down a bit).
> Antti

I twice revisited all my sequences to edit them where needed,
and some indeed got a polish.  For higher impact versions of
the phenomenon you describe: write a book...

Best,  jj

> [...]

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