[seqfan] Sequence A114808.

Robert G. Wilson v rgwv at rgwv.com
Mon Jun 23 17:20:08 CEST 2014

Et al,


                Sequence https://oeis.org/A114808 is incorrect. To keep it
parallel to the others, we should start with n=1 and not n=0. In either case
a(1) cannot equal 142, but either 42 or 424. I vote on 424.


FromDigits[#] & /@ Partition[ Flatten@ IntegerDigits@ Table[5^n - 1, {n,
22}], 3]


{424, 124, 624, 312, 415, 624, 781, 243, 906, 241, 953, 124, 976, 562, 448,
828, 124, 244, 140, 624, 122, 70, 312, 461, 35, 156, 243, 51, 757, 812, 415,
258, 789, 62, 476, 293, 945, 312, 438, 146, 972, 656, 241, 907, 348, 632,
812, 495, 367, 431, 640, 624, 476, 837, 158, 203, 124, 238, 418, 579, 101,



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