[seqfan] Need a distribution

David Wilson davidwwilson at comcast.net
Thu Jun 26 19:59:51 CEST 2014

For a work project, I need a 1D continuous distribution that is like a
Gaussian in that it has a "bulge" and "tails", but also has skewness (i.e.
the two tails can independently drop off slowly or quickly).


I would expect this distribution to have at least 3 parameters (e.g. mean,
variance, and skewness).


I need the equation for the density function and a way to choose parameters
for a distribution to fit a set of data points.


Any pointers from the more statistically fluent would be greatly
appreciated. I am copying to seqfan, in hopes of possibly snagging some help
there, apologies.


Please reply to dwilson at ltk.com.


Thanks in advance.

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