[seqfan] Re: about A011971

israel at math.ubc.ca israel at math.ubc.ca
Thu Apr 30 00:37:52 CEST 2015

This is correct. P being a lower triangular matrix with 1's on the 
diagonal, exp(P)/exp(1) will have 1's on its diagonal, which A011971 does 
not. It looks like the first column of A011971 is the same as the first 
column of exp(P)/exp(1). I don't know what relationship, if any, exp(P) has 
to the rest of A011971.


On Apr 29 2015, rcuculiere at free.fr wrote:

> Good evening. In the notice about A011971, in the second line of 
> comments, it is written that if P is the lower-triangular Pascal-matrix, 
> then the triangular matrix A011971 (Bell-Aitken-Peirce triangle) is 
> exp(P)/exp(1). I think it is not. Greetings.
>35, rue d'Alsace         
> <rcuculiere at free.fr>
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