[seqfan] A happy August

Vladimir Shevelev shevelev at bgu.ac.il
Tue Aug 25 17:56:26 CEST 2015

Dear SeqFan,

In our mathematical life sometimes there appear
unexpected situations. At the beginning of August,
when I saw 2 sequences A260803 and A260804 by
David Corneth, I had a nostalgic note: in 2005,
I worked all the summer trying to solve a difficult series
of Diophantine equations (about them one can see 
in "Compact integers and factorials", Acta Arith. 126, 
no.3 (2007), 195-236). After several comments in 
A260803 and A260804 I decided to consider a general
case of the form x_1*...*x_k+x_1+...x_k and, for k=2,
I discovered for myself a beautiful sequence A072670
by Reinhard Zumkeller. Later there appeared also 
another idea connected with determinant of circulant 
with the first row (x,y,z), i.e., x^3+y^3+z^3-3*x*y*z.
Thus in happy August with a large help of David and
Peter I published A260965 and submitted A261029 
and, together with Peter, A260935;
besides, I published two papers: 

Any remarks and thoughts are welcome.

Best regards,

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