[seqfan] Re: Help! Any formula for sequence

israel at math.ubc.ca israel at math.ubc.ca
Mon May 4 07:15:45 CEST 2015

For #1, gfun guesses the gf: 
(2*x^3+x^2-10*x-3)/((x-1)*(x^2+2*x-1)*(x^2-2*x-1)). For #2, 


On May 3 2015, Zak Seidov wrote:

> Dear SF Gurus,
>Help! Any formula for sequence
>Any formula, recurrency, genersting function, etc?
>The same for relating sequence
> PS These are solution for some quadratic Diophantine Eq and surely should 
> be some formula(s).
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