[seqfan] Re: 0-additive arrays

David Corneth davidacorneth at gmail.com
Sat May 30 20:12:59 CEST 2015

Hi all,

>From Lars' post:


The first term of the sequences (Not in OEIS)


The first part of the difference cycle split (A000244 = Powers of 3,
except for first term)
1, 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729

The second part of the difference cycle split (Not in OEIS)
2, 6, 17, 44, 125, 368, 1097, 3284

The largest value in the difference cycle (Not in OEIS)
3, 7, 20, 53, 152, 449, 1340


Wouldn't the first sequence be

a(1) = 1, a(2) = 3, a(3) = 8, for n > 3, a(n) = 3 * a(n - 1) - 7. ?

The third:

a(1) = 2, a(2) = 6, a(3) = 17, for n > 3, a(n) = 3 * a(n - 1) - 7. ?

The fourth:

The second + The third or

a(1) = 3, a(2) = 17, a(3) = 20, for n > 3, a(n) = 3 * a(n - 1) - 7 ?



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