[seqfan] A sum visible in the 1st integer

Eric Angelini Eric.Angelini at kntv.be
Thu Feb 4 17:29:30 CET 2016

Hello SqFans,
Same idea as my prior post (that got not a single reply -- sigh!)

T = 10,100,101,90,91,80,81,70,71,60,61,50,51,40,41,30,31,20,21,102,

The rules for expanding T are:
# Say "a" and "b" are two consecutive terms of S;
# Add the last digit of "a" to the first digit of "b"
# The result must be a substring of "a"
# "b" cannot be a term already in S.

We see here that 
0+1 = 1 which is visible in 10
0+1 = 1 which is visible in 100
1+9 = 10 which is visible in 101
9+0 = 9 which is visible in 90
The term after 21 (end of first row) cannot be 10 (though 1+1 = 2 
which is visible in 21) because 10 was already used before. So 102,
being the next available integer, has been selected.

T is NOT a permutation of the integers > 0, of course.

This is tricky to compute by hand. Needing a lot of backtracking.
Hope no typos were left.


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