[seqfan] Re: Need small amount of help with Apery-like numbers

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 02:41:52 CEST 2017

Hugo,  Thanks so much for doing that.  Very helpful indeed.

I'll take care of the rest - adding the links, etc
Best regards

Neil J. A. Sloane, President, OEIS Foundation.
11 South Adelaide Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904, USA.
Also Visiting Scientist, Math. Dept., Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
Phone: 732 828 6098; home page: http://NeilSloane.com
Email: njasloane at gmail.com

On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 7:59 PM, Hugo Pfoertner <yae9911 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The two new sequences are submitted as draft/A290575
> <https://oeis.org/draft/A290575> and draft/A290576
> <https://oeis.org/draft/A290576>
> The suggest X-Ref text is included:
> Other Apery-like sequences are
> A000172, A002893, A002895, A005258, A005259, A005260, A006077, A081085,
> A093388, A125143, A183204,
> A219692, A229111, A290575, A290576
> On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 10:49 PM, Hugo Pfoertner <yae9911 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sequences corresponding to Table 2:
>> # A125143, but signs are different
>> # bT2_delta.txt a=7 b=3 c=81 d=0
>> 3,9,3,-279,-2997,-19431,-65853,292329,7202523,69363009,
>> 407637387,702049401,-17222388453,-261933431751,-
>> 2181064727997,-10299472204311,15361051476987,900537860383569,-
>> 171396971074019,-201483136876228,
>> # A229111, signs differ
>> # bT2_eta__.txt a=11 b=5 c=125 d=0
>> 5,35,275,2275,19255,163925,1385725,11483875,91781375,688658785,
>> 4581861025,22550427925,-8852899375,-2431720493125,-47471706909725,-
>> 699843878180125,
>> # A002895
>> # bT2_alpha.txt a=10 b=4 c=64 d=0
>> 4,28,256,2716,31504,387136,4951552,65218204,878536624,12046924528
>> <(204)%20692-4528>,
>> # Axxxxxx not in OEIS
>> # bT2_epsil.txt a=12 b=4 c=16 d=0
>> 4,40,544,8536,145504,2618176,48943360,941244376,18502137184
>> <(850)%20213-7184>,370091343040,
>> 7508629231360,154145664817600,3196100636757760,
>> # Axxxxxx not in OEIS
>> # bT2_zeta_.txt a=9 b=3 c=-27 d=0
>> 3,27,309,4059,57753,866349,13492251,216077787,3536145057,58875891777,
>> 994150929951,16984143140589,293036113226223,
>> # A005259
>> # bT2_gamma.txt a=17 b=5 c=1 d=0
>> 5,73,1445,33001,819005,21460825,584307365,16367912425 <(636)%20791-2425>
>> ,468690849005,13657436403073,
>> # A183204
>> # bT2_s7___.txt a=13 b=4 c=-27 d=3
>> 4,48,760,13840,273504,5703096,123519792,2751843600,
>> 62659854400,1451780950048,
>> # A005260
>> # bT2_s10__.txt a=6 b=2 c=-64 d=4
>> 2,18,164,1810,21252,263844,3395016,44916498,607041380,8345319268,
>> # A219692
>> # bT2_s18__.txt a=14 b=6 c=192 d=-12
>> 6,54,564,6390,76356,948276,12132504,158984694,2124923460
>> <(212)%20492-3460>,28877309604,
>> Regards
>> Hugo Pfoertner
> --
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