[seqfan] An illustration of 2017.

Omar E. Pol info at polprimos.com
Sun Jan 1 15:27:24 CET 2017

Dear Neil and seqfans,

Happy New Year 2017!

We can see an illustration of 2017 in the Applegate's "Movie version" (see 


Select "full catalog", then select A266532, then select N=67, and press the 
button "Generate data".

There are 2017 Y-toothpicks in the structure. 
Note that every Y-tootpick can be replaced with three diamonds. 
Every single toothpick of length 1 can be replaced with a diamond formed by two 
equilateral triangles. 

For more information see http://oeis.org/A266532  

Best regards.

Omar E. Pol

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